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A SPECIAL COMING ATTRACTION:  “BIG RoaD Presents Terry Camp’s Friends in the House Birthday Bash” Stone Pony  February 19th   bY Calvin Schwartz A SPECIAL COMING ATTRACTION: “BIG RoaD Presents Terry Camp’s Friends in the House Birthday Bash” Stone Pony February 19th bY Calvin Schwartz(0)

A SPECIAL COMING ATTRACTION:  “BIG RoaD Presents Terry Camp’s Friends in the House Birthday Bash” Stone Pony  February 19th     bY Calvin Schwartz



Whenever I write about an event, I find that need to personalize it. This lends credibility and enthusiasm hopefully having the effect to motivate people to evacuate their sedentary sofas and come on down. On the personalization front, I’ve been following the team of Terry Camp and Jesse Warren at Big RoaD productions. They put on these magical, memorable events that embrace the musical culture of Central Jersey with a certain unmistakable flair.  You need to be there if you love purist music.


I’m reminded all of a sudden of the team of George M Cohan and Sam Harris that put on historic shows. Yes, that was way before my time (1904-1920) I write with free association; whatever comes to mind. So Camp and Warren remind me of Cohan and Harris. It works. They’re both great teams.

The event is “BIG RoaD Presents Terry Camp’s Friends in the House Birthday Bash” It’s on February 19th at the Stone Pony. Check it all out. See you around. A lot of great music.

Calvin Schwartz   2-9-16







February 19th at The Stone Pony, BIG RoaD presents



JOHN EDDIE and His Dirty Ol’ Band


The BIG RoaD All-Star (Big) Band, featuring appearances by

and more to be announced!

with special guests

February 19th

Tickets on sale TODAY! – Pony Box Office and

$22 advance/$27 at door
Plus applicable surcharges
All Ages!

“‘Another unforgettable night of jamming and friendship ahead!”




February 8, 1974 marks the 42nd Birthday for The Stone Pony – and the legendary venue’s annual Anniversary month.

BIG RoaD proudly presents my Birthday show at The Pony on February 19th, with John Eddie and His Dirty Ol’ Band, The BIG RoaD All-Star Band and special guests JoBonanno, Eddie Testa, Killer Joe plus more to be announced. The night will feature a TBD opener early and then a set by The BIG RoaD All-Star Band with many special guests starting at 8:20 pm. John Eddie will hit the stage at 9:50 pm (for real – This is a unique night, with a solid schedule we will follow.) for a full, long set. Then, The BIG RoaD All-Star Band will rock from midnight on – and guests will include John Eddie for many songs, as well as several other special guests.

As if that wasn’t cool enough, as a nod to The Pony’s Anniversary month, which BIG RoaD and I are honored to be part of, the FIRST HALF of The BIG RoaD All-Star Band’s midnight set will feature:

The Cats on a Smooth Surface 4th Anniversary encore set of August 15, 1982. That night is an anniversary for me – the first night I ever walked into The Stone Pony. It’s simply the penultimate Summer (hot as Hell!)/Late (ending after 3:00 am in 1982)/Shore/Pony set – and will feature many guest artists (disclaimer: no, not Bruce). Here it is:

Ready, Teddy

From Small Things Mamma (Big Things One Day Come)

Around and Around

Jersey Girl

You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)

Havin’ a Party

Detroit Medley/Shake

Sweet Soul Music

All ages/21 to drink.

Tickets on sale now at The Stone Pony Box Office and at:


BIG RoaD is excited to announce that Jillian Rhys McCoy will be joining The BIG RoaD All-Star Band for Terry Camp’s Friends in The House Birthday Bash Friday February 19th at The Stone Pony!

BIG RoaD is excited to announce Eryn Shewell will be joining The BIG RoaD All-Star Band for Terry Camp’s Friends in the House Birthday Bash at The Stone Pony Friday February 19th!





“A NIGHT AT THE STRAND” Celebrating 93 Years at the Strand Center for the Arts September 29th 2015 with Calvin Schwartz & Tara-Jean Vitale    bY Calvin  Schwartz  October 25th “A NIGHT AT THE STRAND” Celebrating 93 Years at the Strand Center for the Arts September 29th 2015 with Calvin Schwartz & Tara-Jean Vitale bY Calvin Schwartz October 25th(0)

“A NIGHT AT THE STRAND” Celebrating 93 Years at the Strand Center for the Arts September 29th 2015 with Calvin Schwartz & Tara-Jean Vitale    bY Calvin  Schwartz  October 25th




“A Night at the Strand” was one of those meant to be at events; anything involving that theater. Some four years ago, Tara-Jean and I discovered The Strand in Lakewood; this magical, beautiful, historic place of theater, music, comedy and acoustical wizardry. Three years ago we attended the 90th Gala and walked away meeting people who have influenced and changed the course of our lives. That Gala event was followed by so many other events we attended at The Strand; from Sandy relief concerts, to intimate and memorable ‘Backstage Pass’ events to great music and endearing holiday shows. Thanks right away to The Strand’s Lori Gilmore for inviting us.



This night was quite special from the moment we arrived in the Gallery for the reception. It’s a funny thing when you’ve been to a plethora of events over the years; you can tell almost instantly, there was something different this night; perhaps the air of excitement, accomplishment, future think and change. Tara-Jean and I acknowledged instantly there was that palpable energy in the room. Good journalists need to pursue.  Tara-Jean asked, “What’s going on. Everybody is so upbeat and anticipatory.” Lori spot on introduced us to Anthony D’Amato (known on stage as ‘Remember Jones’) He was named the new producing artistic director of the Strand. His responsibilities include working closely with management, giving input in production and show prospects, producing his own theatrical and music events and probably a myriad of other job descriptions.  His persona was electric, dynamic, indefatigable and youthful. Actually he is very young.


We asked Anthony about his history. “I used to usher here when I was 12 years old. I would pick up trash in the aisles. From there, I became a performer then a director and recently put on my own music events here. In the past I’ve been able to turn small theaters-outdated- into something with a social scene. That’s my goal for here. The artistic vision for me is NOT to put on musicals and plays yet, but first we need to establish this area again as some sort of social scene.-a hang-out for all ages to be comfortable which is not easy.”



I thought it was all a process. Tara-Jean mentioned hearing rumblings that this gallery area will be made into a night-club. Anthony chimed in, “Right. This gallery space is completely under-utilized….as a performance space, there will be a stage built here, different colors and designs, art on the walls, music on stage. The bar is always happening with comfortable vibes. The food is comfortable. The seating is comfortable; a place where 20 somethings and older can hang out in. Scott McFadden, our Board President thought this all was an East Village thought-kind of like Asbury Park when it started to revitalize…I talk to a lot of 20 somethings (I thought to myself Anthony looks exactly like a 20 something) and there is no place for them to go and be entertained, have a few drinks and not feel like they are at a bar. They want somewhere that is comfortable…We’ll have a place for people to stay in Lakewood rather than go somewhere else; that’s my goal.”




I said, “You give this theater youth.”  Anthony smiled, “Exactly. I call myself the Jimmy Fallon hire. What he’s brought to the Tonight Show…I want to make this a national venue. Scott (McFadden) is great to work with. He’s a music fan. On Halloween, I’ll have a 40 piece band.”  We thought Anthony was that new revitalized exciting face of The Strand. He was that palpable energy in the room.





There was endless food and drink in the Gallery donated by friends of The Strand; Eddie Testa, Chicken Town, Steve Levine, WindMill, Mike Scotto, Oscar’s Italian Restaurant, Dina Warren, Dina’s Catering and Amy Levine, Takes the Cakes. I picked a bad night to be in the middle of the Paleo diet. Oh well. In between food and drink there was a ceremony in the theater honoring local mayors including Lakewood, Brick, Howell for their great support of the arts. The theater, built in 1922, has such wonderful history; built as a Broadway venue for those vacationing in Lakewood.  We’re told the acoustics are world class; you can be standing at the back wall of the stage, talking and they can hear you at the last row of the theater. Music for the Gala was provided by the incomparable duo of Kevin Gilmore and Scott Solomon.




I caught up to a fellow Rutgers alum and Strand board member, Jeffrey Gerstenblatt. “It’s a great night for us. Help’s us raise money and book the kind of shows we like to book here….when people come for the first time, they see what an experience it is to watch a show here and they want to come back.” Fran Whitney, from The Strand, reiterated the changes being made and turning the Gallery into a night-club setting. Moments later we were introduced to Chris Everett, exuberance personified. “We want to insure this beautiful building continues to be a center for artistic endeavors….Everything technical that happens here is my job; staging, lighting, sound, making people fly, all the fun stuff. If no one notices us, we did our job right because that is the magic of theater.” Tara –Jean wanted to know why The Strand is special. Chris explained, “It was designed to be a Broadway theater….In the 20’s and 30’s Lakewood was a vacation destination…literally it is a replica of a New York City theater.  We can do all these Broadway shows right here; One of the top four acoustically designed buildings in America.”



I strolled past the magnificent cake honoring The Strand, artistically created by Amy Levine from Takes the Cakes.  I stared for a few minutes; the cake is not on the Paleo diet. No one would know but me. Just then, Glen Harrison, Lakewood attorney and Board member, rescued me into conversation. I turned my back on the cake.  I asked Glenn what this night meant to him. “What I’d like to see is The Strand continue as a center for the arts for many years to come…I actually came to the theater 50 years ago, when I was around ten. It was a movie theater back in the 60’s.  We paid 50 cents on Saturday morning, watched movies and cartoons. Its’ had many incarnations over the years. Now across the board, there are all kinds of events for everybody, geographically and demographically….Being a 501C3, we fight for the grant money.”




Old friends Dina Warren and Jesse Warren walked over.  Dina exclaimed this was her first night of being involved in The Strand as co-house manager. “We’re very proud to raise money and keep this all going. I love this beautiful place.” Jesse said, “Looking forward to this theater being on top in New Jersey. I’m a co-founder with Terry Camp of Big Road Productions. We’ll be here in 2016 bringing some great shows.”



We looked to complete the essence of our journalistic endeavors by cornering board president, Scott McFadden right in the epicenter of the Gallery.  Right away he spoke about honoring the local mayors and thanking them formally on stage for their contributions to their communities. We asked about his functions on the board. “One of my functions is to try and raise money-keep it going. It’s very difficult with non-profits now. A lot of funds have been diverted to Sandy restoration and recovery…even though it is somewhat concluded, it (money) hasn’t found its way back into other areas (arts) again. Fund raising is a real challenge for us. Keeping it going and keeping the theater alive-that’s our focus.”   Scott told us that bringing Anthony D’Amato here is one of the things he’s most proud of. “He played a Backstage Pass for us and did the Joe Cocker show. In between, I read about him and mutual friends told me about him also. I decided one day to talk to him and I finally asked, “Hey, how’d you like to be our artistic director?” First time we talked for 1 ½ hours and the second time for 2 ½ hours. We just clicked on our vision….he knows the scene and I know money. He’s absolutely brilliant… Once people come here, they’ll come back. How do you get them here the first time-that’s what we’re striving for.”




It was time for us to meet the mayors who had just been honored. Mayor John Ducey from Brick loves The Strand because it’s so close to home.  “It’s in our backyard and they are doing so many great events. You are hearing buzz around town about The Strand.” Tara-Jean asked about his noticing more events taking place here. “I’ve heard buzz the last few weeks that ‘Almost Queen’ is coming. Usually you hear about Count Basie but all of a sudden there is definitely a buzz….Anthony is awesome-a lot of energy.” Tara-Jean next asked about the neighborhood.  “People think there’s nothing else to do here. Tonight’s the first time I heard about re-doing the Gallery-remodeling it with food and drink.” We three shook our heads in agreement that it was a brilliant move.

Mayor William Gotto from Howell was waiting for us (the media). “I’ve known Scott (McFadden) for years. It’s humbling to get an award from The Strand. I don’t think we should get awards. It’s what we do. I’m a big supporter of the arts. My family is involved. I’d like to get here a lot more often. I think residents of Howell should take advantage of this beautiful facility. It’s hard to support the arts with the budgets the way they are but the last few years we’re starting to do more things…We want to let people know from a publicity standpoint that it’s here and doing good for the community.”

Tara-Jean and I have been to two out of the last four Gala nights at The Strand. Why; because we love the theater and have been to so many events here. It’s that precious magic ride to the splendor of art deco and the 1920’s and real theater.  There was a group of Strand officials gathered in the lobby. I decided to be theatrical in my exit.  I turned, smiled and said, “I’ll be back,” in a deep voice.  And we will.


HOLIDAY COMING ATTRACTIONS: Jo Bonanno and Godsons with God Daughters of Soul  Wonder Bar Asbury Park December 20th HOLIDAY COMING ATTRACTIONS: Jo Bonanno and Godsons with God Daughters of Soul Wonder Bar Asbury Park December 20th(0)

HOLIDAY COMING ATTRACTIONS: Jo Bonanno and Godsons with God Daughters of Soul Wonder Bar Asbury Park December 20th  By Calvin Schwartz


It is the holidays and our central Jersey stage is replete with festivities, parties and energies of charitable pursuits.It’s especially meaningful when you can find perfect evenings that embrace  special musical talent and Toys for Tots. Put that all together at the Wonder Bar and its a fun, festive night.   Calvin

In addition to Jo Bonanno and the Godsons, you’ve also got  The God Daughters of Soul ( Cathy Midgley / Sheri Gilmore / Lori Gilmore ) & Special appearances by Eddie Testa, Pat The Soul Cat, and a few more to be announced



A Major FREEHOLD LIVE Music Event to Celebrate BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN’S Birthday: THUNDER ROAD THURSDAY.  Acoustic Lounge @American Legion Post-54   62 W.Main St. Freehold, NJ.  Thursday September 26th 7 PM.  Many Performers.    By Calvin Schwartz A Major FREEHOLD LIVE Music Event to Celebrate BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN’S Birthday: THUNDER ROAD THURSDAY. Acoustic Lounge @American Legion Post-54 62 W.Main St. Freehold, NJ. Thursday September 26th 7 PM. Many Performers. By Calvin Schwartz(0)

 A Major FREEHOLD LIVE Music Event to Celebrate BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN’S Birthday: THUNDER ROAD THURSDAY.  Acoustic Lounge @American Legion Post-54           62 W.Main St. Freehold, NJ.  Thursday September 26th 7 PM.  Many Performers.    By Calvin Schwartz


I live two traffic lights from downtown Freehold and for a quarter of a century I’ve been pondering the relationship between music, Bruce Springsteen’s hometown, Freehold (the county seat of Monmouth County) and the plethora of cool hip restaurants and the fact there just isn’t that overwhelming essence of live music that bespeaks the ambiance of this historic (Revolutionary War) quaint town. (I think this was a run on sentence but I needed to make a point) Point being; live music is finally setting up shop the way it was pre-destined and now the evolution, revolution(almost)by the visionaries and pioneers( Jimmy Arcoleo & Gene Walk) that have brought the Acoustic Lounge to Freehold. Indeed. I am excited by the prospects and energies of acoustic live music in a town two traffic lights from where I have a bowl of oatmeal every morning.




As far as Thursday September 26th and The Acoustic Lounge and Bruce Springsteen’s Birthday Celebration and THUNDER ROAD THURSDAY; I am so excited about the night that I cancelled a doubles tennis match of significant consequence which is personally evident of my intention to be at the American Legion and Acoustic Lounge early and I never cancel tennis.  Here’s to that first time and looking at you kids, about to join us for a special night.

As of this writing (Friday 9-20-13  1022 AM) here is a retrieved collection of notes about the performers in chronological performance order:

Gene Walk, Jimmy Arcoleo, Albert Cestero, Joe Heumiller, Virago, Alliance Singers, Tommy Byrne, Eddie Testa, Lee and Sheri, Lori Gilmore, Acoustic Step Aside, Chris Daniels, Eddie Mac, Michael Heumiller, Willie and John, Nikki Briar, Pat Roddy, Strumberry Pie, Taz, Joe Cartwright, Neal DeSimone, Jo Bonnano.

Once again the address: the Acoustic Lounge@ the American Legion Post 54, 62 W.Main st. Freehold, NJ















My favorite subject all throughout my New Jersey roots and schooling has been history.  Lance Larson is part of our musical heritage and rock and roll history here in New Jersey and most notably Asbury Park. So when part of history gets a special opportunity to celebrate a 60th Birthday as Lance is doing this Saturday March 2nd at the Wonder Bar, then it’s incumbent on those who treasure and savor being part of living history to be there. The occasion also gives me a chance to remind readers to get off the sedentary sofa and absorb New Jersey.

Lance’s history and sound is unique; I love that he’s hung around with the likes of Springsteen and Bon Jovi and so many other legends. Lance is a legend. Back in 1974 Lance formed an amazing band, ‘Lord Gunner’ which became the house band at the Stone Pony. There’s a magical quality of true grit to his sound; reminds me of a John Wayne character in real life; every time I’ve seen and talked to him I think of the ‘Duke.’  As a musical showman he captivated his audience and still does.  Back in the day, his band opened for the likes of Sly and the Family Stone and I like the march of time (history) as bands such as Jon Bon Jovi and the Smithereens opened for Lance’s band.  History is the theme of my article here.  Lance Larson is such a part of the rocking history for those who love and cherish our music. I wouldn’t miss this night.








What also moves me about Lance was his 2008 album project called ‘’Songs for the Soldier’ which was a musical tribute to his father and all WWII servicemen. More legendary Lance.  This list of notables who performed on this project include Jon Bon Jovi, Bobby Bandiera,  Garry Tallent, Richie Sambora; and so many more. More legendary Lance; he even involved a local Asbury Park choir.








Lance is part of Asbury Park musical history.  He once mentioned British invasion music as what helped mold him; Beatles, Dave Clark Five; that reeled me in; part of my molecular music origins. Lance’s historical journey also helped revive the Wonder Bar with Debbie De Lisa and made it an iconic musical part of Asbury Park’s renaissance.  The renaissance fascinates me. A few weeks ago I went to the opening of the Asbury Park Musical Heritage Foundation on Cookman Avenue with a myriad of rich history on display. From the rocky jetty(of my mind), looking out on the Atlantic Ocean across the street, I had one of my many epiphanies; Asbury Park is surely headed now to become a global musical destination with the likes of Nashville and Memphis. And Lance Larson is such a vital part of that destination.






Saturday night’s birthday party features performances by the Eddie Testa Band, Tommy Byrne and Onto Something and of course Lance Larson. Acoustical opening by Chelsea Carlson.  Doors open at 8:00 PM and Showtime is at 9:00 PM. Admission is $10.00. Ages 21 and up are admitted.

Tommy Byrne from ‘Onto Something’ had this to say to me, “It’s an absolute honor to be able to play on Saturday for a Jersey Shore pioneer. Being the new kid on the block here in Asbury and having Lance and Debbie support my band is truly remarkable. I look forward to sharing the stage with my great band Onto Something and hopefully Lance as well. I learn from guys like Lance and look up to him for what he’s done. Eddie Testa and I are ready for a 60th Rock and Roll party.”

See you Saturday.





Calvin Schwartz

Facebook:  Cal Schwartz    and Calvin Schwartz-Cerebral Writer

twitter:  @earthood




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